Supporting Volunteerism in Clinics
Global Volunteer Month is a reminder to support clinics nonprofits via volunteerism.

Volunteers are a critical workforce component of Virginia's free and charitable clinics who leverage their support to provide the underserved with high-quality health care. However, data shows volunteerism at clinics has decreased by 50% -- from approximately 11,600 volunteers in 2018 to only 5,800 volunteers in 2022, mirroring national nonprofit trends where the number of Americans formally volunteering with an organization is at its lowest since the early 2000s.
During Global Volunteer Month and National Volunteer Week, we encourage Virginians to find nonprofits in their community to support. More specifically, we're calling on healthcare professionals to answer the call to support their local health clinics. To help connect interested healthcare professionals to needs in clinics, the VAFCC created a Volunteer Opportunity Board to promote key healthcare positions at local clinics. There are more than 120 open positions in various regions of the state including physicians, nurses, mental health counselors, social workers, dentists, dental hygienists, and pharmacists among many others.
“Our healthcare volunteers are a vital component in the provision of comprehensive, quality health care to Virginia's uninsured population,” said Rufus Phillips, VAFCC CEO. “These individuals make a huge impact, helping to keep operating costs down so free clinics can continue offering equitable and accessible care. We're hopeful more healthcare professionals will step up to serve as volunteers in their local clinics.” While there are roles for everyone at clinics, licensed healthcare professionals who donate their time to care for some of Virginia's most vulnerable citizens are most critically needed.