Virginia Free Clinics Welcome Donations

Virginia's free clinics have remained open during COVID-19 in order to continue to provide critical healthcare services to underserved populations across the state. Open looks different, but uninsured and underinsured working families and individuals have access to the care they need to remain healthy and avoid healthcare crises.
And these free clinics depend on the generousity of individuals and community-minded businesses to survive these challenging times and continue serving those in need. One such example of generousity is iRemedy Healthcare Companies and their shipment of Project Restart ‘care boxes' to several free clinics across the Commonwealth. The care boxes contained essential medical supplies and personal protextive equipment.
“We appreciate iRemedy making PPE available to our Clinic. As a non-profit clinic, any assistance we receive acquiring much-needed PPE is a blessing." - Arlene Armentor, Gloucester Mathews Care Clinic
“Without the generous support of organizations like iRemedy, we would be unable to provide vital care to the patients in our community.” - Jennifer Hardesty, Lackey Clinic
“Your investment in Culmore Clinic allows us to continue to provide intensive primary care during the COVID-19 pandemic, and beyond, as well as expand health monitoring services to its particularly vulnerable population who have no other access to care when they fall sick." Anne-Lise Quinn, Culmore Clinic
Project Restart is an initiative formed by iRemedy in collaboration with several of its supply partners to help address the severe shortage of medical supplies in demand by local, underfunded community health centers and clinics. Through donation of certain medical products, free-of-charge, frontline healthcare workers in underserved, underprivileged communities and neighborhoods are able to deliver safe, quality care in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.