
Four Members Join Board

The VAFCC is happy to have four new members serving on our board of directors.

In their own words:

Alexandra Luevano, Clinic Director Mother of Mercy Free Medical Clinics

I am a nurse with over 20 years of experience in a wide variety of fields including hospital care, disease management, case management, utilization management, population health, free medical care, and nursing education. My breadth of experience enables me to extract insights from different components of the healthcare ecosystem. In my role as the Director of the Mother of Mercy Free Medical Clinic, I'm responsible for the performance and operations of the two Free Clinics including one I started and the other through an acquisition, so I have deep expertise in these unique areas. Furthermore, I've lived in Virginia for 33 years and have developed deep roots in my community, including Latin American members who are in dire need of free medical assistance. I also have extensive experience serving my community outside of the healthcare landscape.


Thomas Rayner, Director of Marketing and Member Engagement
Anthem Healthkeepers Plus

In my 13 years at Anthem I have had the pleasure of working in the (often exhilarating yet often confusing) Virginia health care sector. I'm great knowledge about chronic diseases, health disparities (in minorities and in different parts of Virginia), and other variable access to care.

Additionally, my work in the Medicaid field (Anthem operates Virginia's largest Medicaid health plan) has allowed me exposure and knowledge of various providers (free clinics, FQHC's, charitable events like RAM, and traditional providers). It's allowed me to better understand vulnerable populations, their struggles in social determinants of health, and how their personal health is not always front and center in their lives. Finally, my family is deeply integrated with health care, so medical specialties, conditions and procedures are very familiar to me.


Jennifer Webb, CEO, Free Clinic of Central Virginia

While I have only been an Executive Director for less than a year, I think that sometimes having new leaders serve on boards brings fresh perspective and a set of questions that might be not asked anymore because people have gotten used to the way things have been (and don't see how things can or could be different). However, I do have lots of experience in hospital and clinic leadership -- I understand the C-Suite at hospitals.
I also wish to serve on the board because I want to be more involved in the advocacy work that helps drive change in healthcare delivery, I bring a passion for addressing the social determinants of health through collective impact, and I have seen the impact of being involved in this organization on other leaders and I want to continue to pursue being a valuable leader in this work.

Juanita Epps, CEO, Pathways Free Speciality Clinic

I represent the nine localities of the Crater Health District as the only free clinic in the area and our clinic is located in the City of Petersburg. In partnership with DMAS, our organization has been identified as one of many strategic health partner entities with in collaboration as part of the Governor's Partnership for Petersburg Initiative.

Additionally, I extensive governance experience, currently participate on the board of a philanthropy circle, a national board addressing youth workforce development, and a local group focused on homelessness – within each of these groups one of our focuses is on health and health equity. In my spare time, I focus my attention on financial literacy and supporting efforts focused on the marginalized and often forgotten populations.

VAFCC is governed by an all-volunteer board of directors working to realize the mission and vision of the association. If you are interested in a position on the VAFCC Board, or wish to nominate someone, please contact us.


A Lifesaving Investment

Working towards a Virginia where all people have access to comprehensive, quality healthcare by supporting and advocating for our member clinics so that hardworking individuals and families are protected from healthcare crises.


